Ceremonies To Organize When Preparing For A Wedding

To prepare for the wedding ceremony, couples must organize other ceremonies before: Proposal Ceremony, Engagement, Wedding Announcement,… Let’s distinguish between the above events and things to keep in mind.

1. Proposal Ceremony (Dam Ngo) : Family Greeting Ceremony

Before the wedding day, it is important to meet both side family to create familiarity and facilitate harmony. These steps help people understand each other better and create a happy atmosphere, full of positive energy.
On proposal ceremony, the groom’s family – including his parents and a few close relatives and family representatives – will go to the bride’s house for an official meeting. Here, both sides will ask permission for the young couple to get married as well as discuss the wedding plan, including the date and necessary preparations.

The proposal ceremony is usually not too elaborate, but both families still need to prepare properly and dress politely. The groom’s family will prepare a gift box to greet, usually the offerings will include: Betel, areca nut, wine, fruit, cakes, …
The bride’s family needs to rearrange the furniture in the house and clean it, creating a beautiful space and being ready to thoughtfully welcome the groom’s family. The most important thing is to prepare and display fruits on the ancestral altar, because when the groom’s family comes to perform the proposal ceremony, the bride and groom will participate in burning incense to ask their ancestors for permission to get married.

2. Engagement Ceremony: The official event marking acceptance

The engagement ceremony in Vietnam is one of the important traditional ceremonies, often taking place before the wedding day and has profound meaning in Vietnamese culture. This is an opportunity for two families to meet and show respect, acceptance, and get to know each other.

The engagement ceremony usually takes place at the bride’s house and is held solemnly. Regarding procedures, the groom’s family often prepares gift boxes such as betel and areca nuts, candies, beer and wine, etc. In the North, they will prepare an odd number of boxes (3,5,7,9,…) while in the Central and Southern regions have an even number of boxes (4,6,8,…) to bring to the bride’s family. These gifts not only mean luck and affection, but also show concern for the bride.

Meanwhile, the bride’s family also decorates the house, tables and chairs as well as invites relatives and friends to witness the important ceremony between the two families. Traditional dishes and local specialties are often presented on the table to entertain the groom’s family and guests.

3. Wedding Ceremony: Main Ceremony
This is the main ceremony, an important event marking a major turning point in the life of each couple. On this day, the bride and groom must prepare very carefully for the ceremony to take place to the fullest.

During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom often express vows and commitments in front of both families, friends and acquaintances in attendance. After that, a number of special rituals will be conducted, the most important being the exchange of wedding rings – demonstrating the connection and lifelong commitment between two people. There are also additional rituals of pouring wine, cutting cakes, lighting candles, pouring sand, watering plants,… depending on each couple’s choice.

The wedding ceremony usually ends with a grand wedding party. This party can include dinning, dances, and small games to bond everyone. At the end of the party there will be a “wedding flower catching” ceremony with the purpose of giving love to single relatives/friends of both families.

4. Announcement Ceremony
The announcement ceremony actually includes the same steps as the wedding ceremony, however some rituals can be shortened. After/ Before the wedding ceremony, many couples often hold an additional wedding ceremony at the place where they live to invite friends from far away to celebrate. Because the party includes mostly friends, you can choose a cozy space that is convenient for travel and time.

These above ceremonies held before the wedding are not only symbolic events but also opportunities for family and friends to meet, create relationships, and share joy. Careful preparation for these events will create beautiful memories and start the journey of a happy marriage. Let’s start preparing from the first steps to have a wedding that is not only perfect but also full of meaning!